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Development Cooperation and Gender: reports and advocacy activities
By the end of 2008 IGPN finished its project Development Cooperation and Gender but at the same time we decided to continue the advocacy work on promoting gender sensitivity of sources from EU and state budgets towards development aid. Great recognized value of the IGPN, apart of its expertise, in continuing our work on the topic of gender equality in development aid, is the variability of character within the IGPN membership base (some of its members became donors and others are recipients of development aid).
During the second half of 2008 IGPN member organizations prepared national reports on Official Development Aid, assessing the situation in the respective country and recommendations for stakeholders (using the same methodology) and organized advocacy events (according the situation in the country). Based on those activities IGPN members either started to be involved in the development issues structures in the respective countries or started to continue to follow this topic on their own (for example some platforms of NGOs working on development issues are too much connected with the governments and our members decided to play independent role and from this position criticise the situation).
Based on the findings, IGPN prepared regional report on Official Development Aid and regional advocacy card for our regional advocacy activities. Regional report and national reports were disseminated widely and presented in Brussels. IGPN became a member of Gender Working Group of CONCORD.
IGPN is planning the following activities as continuation work on Development Cooperation and Gender:
1. monitoring – IGPN members in recipient countries will follow the revision process of Country Strategy Papers and in donor countries we will be doing gender watch of development projects
2. we will participate in national platforms and in regional structures dealing with this issue and actively promote and pursue gender perspective
3. we plan to prepare guidelines on „Gender Mainstreaming in Development Cooperation“ and disseminate them widely for to be used by stakeholders setting the rules and implementing the ODC.
4. we will prepare and organize training for IGPN members on how to include gender effectively into development projects, it will be prepared as training for trainers, and our members will then offer this training to development platforms and to organizations dealing with development projects.
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